Frequently Asked Questions

This page provides answers to frequently asked questions from investors.

About Our Stock

Where is the stock listed?
It is listed on the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
What is the stock ticker number?
It is 6381. Information regarding our stock, including the latest stock price information, can be found at the link below.
How many shares is the lot size?
How should I proceed with administrative procedures such as a transfer of ownership or registering a change of address?
For various procedures related to stock, please see the “Information on Stock Procedures” page.
When is the Shareholders’ Meeting held?
The Annual Shareholders’ Meeting is held in late June every year. The dates can be found at the link below.
Are there any shareholder perks?
We do not offer any in particular. Information on shareholder returns can be found at the link below.

About Financial Results and Finances

When are the financial results announced?
We announce financial results every quarter, and at the end of the fiscal year. The schedule can be found at the link below.

About the Company

When was the company founded?
It was founded as “Iwata Seisakusho” in 1926, and incorporated as “Iwata Air Compressor Manufacturing Co., Ltd.” in 1948, which is the precursor of our company. The company changed its name to the ANEST IWATA Corporation in 1996. A brief historical outline of the company is provided at the link below.
Where does the company name come from?
ANEST is a word coined by combining the words that describe the founding spirit of “Makoto no Kokoro (Trustworthy & Sincere)”: EARNEST and HONEST.
Active with Newest Technology = We will continue to actively take on new challenges with our cutting-edge technologies, paving the way for a new future. Details are provided at the link below.